Dear patient, below you will find general postoperative recommendations that will help you to improve your postoperative recovery, take into account each one of them.
Item 1
Remember to walk every hour post-operatively.
Item 2
Eating well.
Item 3
Ask for check-ups with your medical specialist.
Item 4
Follow your medical formula to the letter.
Item 5
Inform your doctor signs of alarm such as: respiratory distress, fever (greater than or equal to 38 degrees), loss of consciousness, redness of the wounds. It is normal to present pain, if your surgery was corporal, use anti-embolic stockings.
Item 6
Remember to isolate for 14 days.
Item 7
Do not receive visitors you may become ill from something else unrelated to surgery.
Item 8
Keep resting, do not remain lying down all the time.
Item 9
Maintain good personal hygiene.
Item 10
Avoid contact with pets.
Item 11
Maintain a good attitude as this improves your recovery.
Item 12
Keep your environment clean and tidy for recovery.
Item 13
Report important changes in your health status to your surgical team at all times.
Item 14
Avoid cooking or housework.
Item 15
Take the necessary time of incapacity informed by your physician or surgical team.
Item 16
Remember that complications are contemplated in any surgery, be calm and always rely on your surgeon.
Item 17
Avoid traveling, drinking liquor, attending humid places such as saunas, Turkish baths without authorization from your treating physician.
Item 18
Include fruits or fiber in your diet to avoid constipation from anesthesia and surgery.